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  • ms. bella


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  • mr. jhon deo


Sed elit quam, iaculis the sed semper sit amet udin vitae nibh. at magna akal semper sema olatiup sema olatiup udin vitae.

  • larry kinda


Sed elit quam, iaculis the sed semper sit amet udin vitae nibh. at magna akal semper sema olatiup sema olatiup udin vitae.

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Mr Heater

Mr Heater Propane Two Stage Horizontal Regulator With Pol

Two Stage Propane Regulator allows for a more consistent inlet pressure between the 1st and 2nd stage which allows for more consistent flow of gas to the appliance.
For use with many propane fueled indoor or outdoor appliances
Excess Flow Soft Nose P.O.L. - Inlet x 3/8in Female Pipe Thread - Outlet
225,000 BTU max flow
Has brass nipple to open safety valve in male throwaway cylinders
Has rubber gasket for sealing

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